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Can You Play Squash on a Racquetball Court

Differences Between Squash and Racquetball

squash Squash vs. Racquetball

Squash and racquetball are two completely different sports. The most major difference is that the rackets used in the latter are smaller with their allowed maximum length beingness 22 inches while the squash rackets can have a maximum allowed length of 27 inches.

Also, a squash ball is smaller at 4 cm. in diameter than a racquetball i of 2.25 inches in diameter. The squash ball is not made of elastic rubber equally the one for the other sport; therefore, the squash ball expends much more energy during bear upon and slows downward as a rally progresses. There is an "out of premises" surface area marked out around the squash court particularly at the base of operations of the front wall. This is not so in racquetball.

racquetballA racquetball court is an indoor or outdoor area that tin be fully enclosed. Information technology is usually 40×20 feet with a height of about 20 feet. There are scarlet lines that define the service surface area and the serve-receiving areas. A squash court is similarly a rectangular box area with four walls of varying heights, only there is a clear elevation above the court area. Its dimensions are 32×21 feet.

In squash, the court has several outlines marked at the summit of the court along with a special line on the forepart wall at a height of 19 inches from the floor. If the ball hits whatever of the lines above or beneath the 1 on the front wall, it is called "hitting the tin" and is considered to be an out. In squash, if the ball hits the ceiling, it is considered to be an out, simply in racquetball, the ball is allowed to hitting the ceiling.

In squash you must let your opponent to striking the front wall directly, but in racquetball you can allow only limited freedom to your opponent to striking just role of the forepart wall. Squash games are scored upwards to nine points and xi in professional tournaments, simply racquetball matches are scored to 15 points. The serving styles are completely unlike too in both games.

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