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Eat Your Heart Out Diet Food List

The 7 day Eat Your Heart Out Diet advertised that you could lose 10 or more pounds in just seven days!

Before we get into my 'Eat Your Heart Out' results,

let's start by giving an overview of what this diet entails.

It's a very simple diet, mostly customizable to your own tastes, and fairly easy on the wallet.

  • Day 1: Eat Only Fruit
  • Day 2: Eat Only Vegetables (no starchy veggies like corn, beans, peas etc.) Eat One baked potato at night.
  • Day 3: Fruit and Veggie day (no starch/no potato)
  • Day 4: Bananas and Milk (or yogurt) 1 cup of milk per 1 banana. Up to 8 bananas.
  • Day 5: Tomatoes and Chicken (or turkey). 6 tomatoes with a glass of water for each tomato.
  • Day 6: Chicken (turkey) and Veggies. No starch, no potato
  • Day 7: Cabbage Soup: (original instructions and recipe here)
title reads eat your heart out seven day diet. with an image of roasted veggies in a bowl.

So What Were My 'Eat Your Heart Out' Results?

Starting weight: 242.2

Ending weight: 236

You can check out my quick video review Here:

Disclaimer: I did a few things different since I wasn't able to follow the diet 100%.

(I have no idea how to say that I had diarrhea the first day, can you do that?)


Weight: 242.2

I ate 1 honeydew, 2 apples, 1 kiwi, and lots of grapes, throughout the day I drank a ton of water.

I was seriously craving salt, since I'm a salty person anyways, I figured it wasn't a big deal. And I actually felt really good on this first day. . . besides the loose bowels.

It feels good to start a goal with the restrictions of "eat as much as you want" just of fruit.


Weight: 238.4

I ate a lot of vegetables and the baked potato was by far the star of today.

Because I love potatoes probably more than what is normal, to be able to have it today just gave me that boost of willpower to continue with this.

I was so surprised at how good my body felt while doing this diet, turns out that diet experts might know a thing or two when they talk about eating fruits and vegetables. Who knew?


Forgot to weigh myself today.

I ate more fruit today as well as the really yummy roasted vegetables that I had yesterday, just without the potato. It was still really good!


Weight: 236.6

Today was the day that I was actually pretty nervous about just because it says 8 bananas and 8 glasses of milk. That's not a ton of food!

But by the time today came, I wasn't hungry barely at all, so much so that I only had 3 bananas and 3 glasses of milk. I was so surprised at how my body felt like it didn't need much to be satisfied.

DAY 5: aka day 6

Weight: 236

Today was supposed to be the chicken, turkey, and tomatoes. The problem I have is I can't keep tomatoes down so I went on to the next day and did that today, chicken, turkey, and vegetables. It was a little weird adding meat in, but I'm not really huge on eating meat in the first place. It was good, though!

DAY 6: aka day 7, last day!

Weight: 236.2

While I was buying the ingredients for this soup, I was so upset since I don't like onions, green peppers, or tomatoes at all. However, I was able to make this soup.

Before I even had any, the smell alone made me so excited to eat it. It was actually really good! So full of flavor and you can just go get a bowl whenever you feel hungry throughout the day.

Review Of The Eat Your Heart Out 7 Day Diet

This is a really easy diet since it has the guidelines set out, but it also is free enough where you do what you want with the food. I am super not creative so I mostly ate the fruits and vegetables raw or roasted, but that was amazing by itself.

I recommend this, I would do it again and have already made key changes into my future eating plans because of this short diet.

The key to this diet is drinking a ton of water, also, expect loose bowels on the first day. Apparently eating a lot of fruit does that to a person.

I hope you like my Eat Your Heart Out Results and Review!

Let me know how much you lost on this diet!

You can check out my other reviews, Like the MILITARY DIET or the APPLE CIDER VINEGAR FOR WEIGHT LOSS

Eat Your Heart Out Diet Food List
